
I offer a free 30 minutes discovery call wherein we will discuss the challenges you wish to amend in order to build you a program that will be tailor-made to your experience. Payment for these services can be made using credit or debit cards, having a Paypal account is not required.

Our Services:


Theta Age Regression Therapy

I assist my client with accessing their subconscious mind to change behavioral patterns or ways of thinking. I am effectively able to take my clients into their subconscious mind and help them heal what they are holding onto, through using different techniques to enable my clients to overcome many issues. I support clients with their Weight Loss Journeys, Insomnia, Grief, Anger Management, Pain Management, Stress and Anxiety Management, Self Esteem and Confidence, Overcoming Fears & Phobias, and much more…
I also utilize other modalities such as subliminal, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure, Rapid Transformational Technique (RTT) a modality that tells the body how to react and how to feel (it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind. This allows for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and panic attacks to be ameliorated). We will address your concern and tailor your treatment that best suits you by combining either all or some of these techniques. Whatever the issue is, I can help or point you to the right direction.

Theta Age Regression Therapy Sessions

1-hour Theta Age Regression session $120.00.

3-hours transformational Theta Age Regression session $333.00.



Breath is LIFE! The breath is considered to be the creative force of the universe, which can be used to manifest when gathered and utilized in a conscious way. The breath is the king of the mind and the body. It acts as a conduit that connects the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious mind. Conscious breathing aids in reduction of inflammation, improves focus, mends digestion, increases energy levels, improves posture, detoxifies the body, facilitates altered states of consciousness, improves blood flow, and acts as a natural painkiller. Furthermore, conscious breathing cleanses and activates healing in the physical and mental body.
We breathe about 21,000 times a day, but most people are not breathing properly. People tend to breathe with the top part of their muscle/lungs, ignoring the Diaphragm. The diaphragm however, is the most important muscle responsible for proper breathing. Proper use of the diaphragm is important for good health, and it can alleviate tension and stress. Through Pranayama, Kriya and Yogic Breathwork, we will be activating the biggest nerve, which runs from our throat to our colon by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system that is for rest and relaxation of the body and/or, activate the sympathetic nervous system responsible for resetting, clearing and releasing tension, trauma and stuck emotion.

Breathwork Sessions

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions here

30 minutes Breathwork for Relaxation session $60.00.

1-hour Breathwork with Yogi-Movement to Release Stress and Relaxation session $120.00.

1-hour 30 minutes Reiki and Breathwork session $150.00.



Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically on the body, mind and spirit. Reiki is simply a relaxing treatment where natural healing vibrations are transmitted through the hands of a Reiki practitioner (acting as a conduit) to the recipient. Hands are placed just off the body, lightly touching the body, as in “laying on the hands.” Reiki can also be done remotely. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks, similarly to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body, enables relaxation, reduces pain, speeds up healing and reduces other symptoms of illnesses.

Reiki Sessions

1-hour Reiki healing session $127.00.

1-hour 30 minutes Reiki with Meditation, foot reflexology and chakra/nerve Manipulation session $150.00.

Reiki I

Are you a beginner to Reiki or would you like a refresher? Discover and develop your own ability to do Reiki healing.

This 7 hours class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using hand positions and the self -treatment practices. Receive attunement and certification at the end of the class.

Date and time of this class will be determine after the commitment is made.

Price $399.00.

Reiki II

This 7 hours class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self-treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques. Receive attunement and certification at the end of the class.

Date and time of this class will be determine after the commitment is made.

Price $399.00.

Reiki I & II

Reiki I & II are taught together during a two full days intensive curse. All the information and techniques for both levels are covered. Both attunements and certificates are given.

Date and time of this class will be determine after the commitment is made.

Price $699.00.

Reiki Master

Reiki III/Master is a two full days intensive curse. Content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses. To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I&II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months. Also, a student must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki II from memory. Receive attunement and certification at the end of the class.

Date and time of this class will be determine after the commitment is made.

Price $699.00.


Holistic Transformational Coach

My Holistic Transformational Coaching modality is an entirely different approach compared to solution-focused or autocratic approaches. I focus on more of the larger picture in the client's life, touching base on all areas of self-improvement, rather than one. I assist clients in bettering themselves and their lives by bringing about necessary lifestyle aspiration. Conversely, as with life coaching clients, I use holistic transformational coaching techniques with my clients to work on changing the way they eat, live, and see themselves. I provide individuals with lived experience of the reality they have created in order to empower them to shift their current paradigm to make way for what is desired.

Holistic Transformational Coach Session

1-hour Holistic Transformational Coach session $111.00.


Meditation and Yogi-Movement

Life is one percent seen and ninety nine percent unseen. The one percent is a limited and forced reality, whilst the ninety nine percent can only be seen when we go beyond the five senses through meditation and yoga. Over seventy percent of ailments are chronic in nature and are self-inflicted. People are creating ailments from within and the only way to reverse these conditions is to go within. Meditation creates ecstasy in one’s self, it helps separate you from the mind and body, which eliminates suffering in a person’s life. Essentially if your energy body is balanced and fully activated there can be no physical or psychological ailments in you. Certain balance and movement in the system can restore the body and mind back to its blissful state. Not all meditations are created equal. We will work together to create a plan and style that suite your current lifestyle.

Meditation and Yogi Movement Session

1-hour Meditation and Yogi Movement session $99.00.


Twin Flame (mirror soul) and Soul Mate Guide

Meeting your Twin Flame will change your life, but what does the term mean? A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It's one soul split into two bodies. When a soul is created, it is split into two parts that mirror each other, constantly yearning to reconnect.
Twin Flame is a high-level love connection. This kind of high-level, soul-based connection isn’t just about romance. It’s about spiritual growth as well. You meet them and your life just completely changes. You start seeing the world differently. It pushes you to want to engage with the divine, shift consciousness, and become a better soulful being in this experience. We will work together on how to know when you meet your twin flame, what it feels like and how the relationship is different from the one you have with a soul mate. We will determine your type of soul connection and manifest its blissful existence.

Twin Flame & Soulmate Guide session

1-hour Twin Flame & Soulmate Guide session $111.00.

Zee Holistic Esthetician

Luxury Facials

Some say beauty is skin deep, Zee says beauty shines from within the depth of your soul. It is true however that healing doesn't only happen on the inside, attending to the physical body, such as the skin, is a big part of self-actualization. The skin is the largest organ in the body, as well as the second most sophisticated after the brain. And, the skin is fashioned in such a way that it attains maximal resilience and protection from the harsh environment.
Zee’s transformational journey proposes mastering the metaphysical (that is energy and so on) and the physical (that is the skin, your organs and so on).
For Zee, becoming a holistic esthetician has enhanced a deeper healing knowledge of the skin to promote complete balance and wellness.


Want to learn more about your skin? Our sophisticated ultraviolet tool is used by our specialist to analyze multiple skin conditions. UV light is used to closely examine the skin to diagnose certain fungal and bacterial skin infections as well as conditions that cause pigmentation changes of the skin. Schedule an appointment today to know the skin you’re in!
30 Minutes / $50

Signature Holistic Facial

A luxurious experience with ultimate pampering, our signature facial includes the highest quality, all-natural vegan and organic products customized for your skin’s unique needs. Enjoy a blissful sensory journey with specialized facial massage techniques that will leave your skin looking healthy, toned, glowing and alive!
60 minutes / $150
90 minutes / $225

Uplifting Mini Facial

This 30-minute facial is just what you need for a quick skin uplift. Included is a cleansing, exfoliation, light extractions, face massage and customized skin serums.
30 minutes / $75

LED Facial

Don't let the signs of aging get under your skin! Whether you wish to reduce existing wrinkles, prevent fine lines from appearing, lessen the appearance of dark spots/discolored skin, oily problem areas or just brighten the façade of your skin, our LED light technology works by delivering light energy to your skin cells that stimulates the cells to undergo self-repair. The LED facial is a non- invasive skincare treatment that particularly stimulates collagen and treats acne. It is also very calming for sensitive skin that has any redness or irritations. This luxurious service includes a double cleanse, exfoliation, or a peel, gentle extractions if needed or requested, LED treatment for 10 minutes, specialized serum and moisturizer.
60 minutes / $175

Dermaplane Deluxe Facial

A deluxe exfoliating full facial treatment that gently removes dead skin cells and peach fuzz, a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation and acne scars. resulting in extremely soft skin. This treatment includes a peel for maximum results and deeper product penetration. Relax while we diminish fine lines and scarring whilst promoting softer, healthier skin.
60 minutes / $175

European Profession Peel

Improve the skins appearance and glow by using retinols, glycolic, salicylic and lactic acids resulting in smoother, lighter skin tone. Diminishing fine lines and acne scarring on the skin.
50 minutes / $175

Glycolic Treatment

Glycolic acid is an exfoliant that helps shed dead skin cells and reveal the newer, brighter layers underneath by acting on the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of skin). It goes deeper by breaking up the superficial skin layers and reveal a beautiful glow that is hidden beneath. This treatment focus on reducing the appearance of pigmentation, rough texture, dull, dry, tired skin.
60 minutes / $150


Our famous Opti-firm eye contour treatment restore and revitalize the eye zone area with sustainably-harvested plant base skin care treatments that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles fast. Reduce signs of fatigue and aging, using the latest ingredients such as advanced Peptides to restore youthful appearance to the eye area as well as massage methods to augment treatments for a full relaxation effect.
30 Minutes / 75

Reiki Facial

GET YOURSELF a divine beauty treatment/facial that does it all from our holistic esthetician and Reiki Master. Enjoy a full-service facial with gentle parasympathetic nervous system breathing, combining magical potent botanical potions, healing crystals and sound bath therapy. In almost every treatment, meditation is used to invite harmony throughout the chakras, body, mind, and spirit. It’s an internal and external journey that many clients share they feel deeply restored and aligned as they float out of the treatment room.
75 minutes / $225

Emotional Release Facial

Breath is life! Breathe vital energy lifeforce during this complete relaxation and awareness facial that include Gua Sha bliss. Dating back to ancient China, Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese Medicine modality using a gemstone tool with a gentle gliding technique. Working on a deeper level of the skin with friction, we release muscle tension, improve lymph drainage, and contour the face resulting in a brighter clearer, more toned complexion and a complete mind, body and spirit alignment.
75 minutes / $225

Add On

Add LED service to any service above
Add pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C Serum
Add advance triple action peptide for youthful skin

Call (808) 758-4779 to book your divine experience TODAY!


What is Sugaring?

Body sugaring is an ancient Egyptian hair removal technique that dates back to 300BC, during the days of Cleopatra and the pharaohs. Sugaring is also known as halawa (sweet) or sookar (sugar) in Arabic. I was fortunate to have been exposed to this practice at a very early age because of my Egyptian background, thus; enabling me to experience the benefits of sugaring which includes using harmless food products that provides longer lasting hair removal and leaving skin feeling smooth and comfortable. Body Sugaring is an all-natural, much less abrasive form of hair removal containing only sugar, lemon and water.

What are the benefits?

Thinner and finer hair - hair will begin to have smaller more shallow roots, overtime the follicle will no longer produce a blood supply, which means hair removal will become more permanent. Look forward to soft outgrowth and no more rough stubble.

Care after service

24 hours after sugaring treatment, you should avoid the following:

  • Do not apply any scented lotions or creams
  • Do not exfoliate the skin for 48 hours after treatment
  • Deodorant (if you had underarms sugared)
  • Heat (including saunas, steam rooms and hot yoga studios)
  • Direct sunlight, tanning beds and infrared lamps
  • Working out (skip the gym for the day)
  • Make-up (if you had face sugared)
  • Touching, scratching or rubbing the treated area

Service Price per session
Brazilian $90.00
Brazilian Maintenance $65.00
Bikini $60.00
Brow Shaping $35.00
Brow Maintenance $30.00
Full Face $70.00
Upper Lip $30.00
Chin $30.00
Side Burns $35.00
Underarms $40.00
Full Arms $55.00
Half Arms $45.00
Full Legs $95.00
Half legs $60.00
Chest $75.00
Back $75.00
Stomach $60.00


Waxing is the process of hair removal from the root by using a covering of a sticky substance, such as wax, to adhere to body hair, and then removing this covering and pulling out the hair from the follicle.

What are the benefits?

The best-known benefit of waxing is that the hair doesn't grow back very quickly. Waxing removes the hairs from the root. With shaving, the hairs are cut off close to skin level. Even with a very close shave, this still leaves a considerable amount of the hair just below the surface ready to appear in a day or two.

Care after service

24 hours after sugaring treatment, you should avoid the following:

  • Do not apply any scented lotions or creams
  • Do not exfoliate the skin for 48 hours after treatment
  • Deodorant (if you had underarms waxed)
  • Heat (including saunas, steam rooms and hot yoga studios)
  • Direct sunlight, tanning beds and infrared lamps
  • Working out (skip the gym for the day)
  • Make-up (if you had face waxed)
  • Touching, scratching or rubbing the treated area

Service Price per session
Brazilian $80.00
Brazilian Maintenance $55.00
Booty Crack $35.00
Brow Shaping $30.00
Brow Maintenance $25.00
Full Face $60.00
Upper Lip $25.00
Chin $25.00
Side Burns $25.00
Underarms $35.00
Full Arms $45.00
Half Arms $35.00
Full Legs $70.00
Half legs $45.00
Chest $55.00
Back $60.00
Stomach $30.00

Call (808) 758-4779 to book your divine experience TODAY!

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla


I, the participant, understand that in participating in consultations, coaching sessions, breathwork sessions, breathwork immersions and trainings, video(s), and audio(s) (collectively referred to as “Activities”) offered by Zahrah D. Spazian of Zee Healer, agree to the following:


I understand that breathwork and Activities offered by Zee Healer are designed to enhance quality of life and support holistic wellbeing, and are not intended to constitute medical advice or any substitution for medical care. I understand that Activities are not intended to be relied upon for diagnosis or treatment in relation to any health problem, and services of the Facilitator do not replace the care of a physician.


I understand that breathwork and Activities may involve strong connected breathing, which can result in dramatic experiences accompanied by strong emotional and physical responses. I understand that I may find the Activities physically, emotionally, or mentally stressful, and that breathwork and Activities are not safe under certain medical conditions and not advised for persons with a history of cardiovascular disease or prior heart attack, high blood pressure, use of prescription blood thinners such as Coumadin, epilepsy or seizures, glaucoma, osteoporosis, severe asthma, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dissociative disorders, history of significant trauma, and during pregnancy.
I hereby state that I am not pregnant, and if any of the above conditions apply to me, I will advise the Facilitator prior to participation. I understand that the Facilitator is not qualified to evaluate my fitness for involvement in the Activities, and that I am fully responsible for seeking medical help to treat all symptoms that are present before and after the Activities. I hereby state that I am physically and mentally fit to participate in Activities, and understand that it is solely my responsibility to seek professional support after Activities if I feel unstable mentally or emotionally. I knowingly waive any claim I may have against the provider Zee Healer for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in Activities.